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 | MazeCraze is "too fast" / "too slow". What can I do about it?
Tap the "Options" button, then "Set Game Speed" and then
place your pen on the knob of the slider and move it left or right to speed up or slow
down the pace of the game. Recommendation: take a few minutes to try out each setting. Then just leave it set at the
setting that works best for you.
 | How do I pause MazeCraze?
Selecting the "Options" button or the "Start" button on the taskbar
will pause the game. For HPC, you can also press 'P' for Pause.
 | What happens when Nerdly grabs a gold bar?
Upon grabbing a gold bar, Nerdly hops on a tank and gets 7 seconds to chase his attackers.
During this time, Nerdly speeds up (tanks move fast!) and the government agents slow down
(paralyzed with fear), so 7 seconds is plenty of time to nail several nearby agents. The
scores mount fast - for each session on a tank, you get 200 points for the first agent
grabbed, 400 for the second, 600 for the third and 800 for the fourth. Nerdly will let out
a sigh as his time expires... and the fleeing agents will turn and head after Nerdly once
again. Hint: You can actually nail an agent more than once in a session if Nerdly is still
on his tank and clobbers the agent as it exits its waiting spot.
 | What happens if Nerdly grabs a second gold bar while still on
the tank?
Eureka!! An additional 7 seconds is added to the tank time remaining and Nerdly speeds up
even faster, the government agents slow down more. Note that if you are able to nail more
than 4 agents during this time (remember, you will have had a total of 14 seconds, so
agents you clobber early will be leaving their waiting spots so Nerdly can whack them a
second time), you get big points - 1,000 for the fifth agent, 1,200 for the sixth and so
 | I can't seem to tell when and where the government agents
will jump out of their starting positions. Are there any hints to help out?
Agents pop out of their starting positions after a preset waiting time. The times are 1
second, 3 seconds, 5 seconds and 7 seconds of waiting. Each agent is assigned a wait time
for a particular maze, so the order and wait time will always be the same for that maze.
However this order changes from maze to maze. Important hint: the direction of attack for
each agent is always the same - the helicopter heads upward, the bomb drops down, and the
tractors move out in the direction they are facing. Note that if Nerdly grabs a gold bar,
gets his tank and clobbers an agent, the agent always returns to its starting position and
waits for the time period assigned to it for that maze.
 | How do I turn off the sound while I play
Tap "Options" and then "Sound" so that it is cleared. Tap it again any
time to turn the sound back on again.
 | How do I report bugs? Where can I ask questions?
Send email to techsupport@fieldsoftware.com
- describe the problem you encountered and as much information as you can. Be sure to
include your email address or a phone number where you can be reached.
 | I've got a great idea for making
MazeCraze better! Where can
I send my ideas?
Send all comments and ideas to techsupport@fieldsoftware.com