SDK Special Topics
----------------------------- Printing Utilities |
Option Explicit '-------------------------------------- Dim PrinterCE1 Set PrinterCE1 = CreateObject("PrEngineCE.PrinterCE") TextWheel ' Call our subroutine '-------------------------------------- Private Sub TextWheel() PrinterCE1.SelectPrinter 'Default ScaleMode is in Twips - 1440 = 1 inch Dim lp Dim str, orientstr For lp = 0 To 3 PrinterCE1.Rotation = lp PrinterCE1.TextX = PrinterCE1.PrPgWidth / 2 PrinterCE1.TextY = PrinterCE1.PrPgHeight / 2 PrinterCE1.FontBold = False PrinterCE1.FontItalic = False PrinterCE1.FontSize = 12 If (lp = 0) Then str = "North" ElseIf (lp = 1) Then str = "East" ElseIf (lp = 2) Then str = "South" Else str = "West" End If If (PrinterCE1.PrOrientation = 1) Then orientstr = "Portrait" Else orientstr = "Landscape" End If PrinterCE1.ForeColor = 0 'Set color to black PrinterCE1.DrawText "Hello " & str & " World - " & orientstr & " Orientation" 'position first line PrinterCE1.DrawText "Each line of text is automatically positioned." PrinterCE1.FontSize = 24 PrinterCE1.FontBold = True PrinterCE1.FontItalic = True PrinterCE1.ForeColor = &HFF00FF 'Set color PrinterCE1.DrawText "Color, bold and italics" PrinterCE1.FontSize = 16 PrinterCE1.ForeColor = &HFF00 'Set color PrinterCE1.DrawText "And last but not least..." Next PrinterCE1.PrDialogBoxText "", "", "" PrinterCE1.EndDoc End Sub |